This page is to provide a step-by-step overview of how to work effectively in the MAVRL for new students and postdocs. We are a highly IT-enabled group that uses the latest technologies to work effectively. We use the following:
You should first read the admin page to understand expectations and policies with regards to working procedures.
Then, briefly read publishing to get a very quick overview of the standards that are expected for papers and presentations. It is extremely important that you come back to this list when you write your papers and do your presentations. Under no circumstances should you submit papers or presentations that do not meet these minimum standards.
For all your computing equipment and accounts, you are expected to set up strong passwords and 2-factor authentication. Use a password manager (1Password is a good option, but even free ones like Apple Keychain is better than nothing). Passkeys are also a useful way to increase convenience and safety at the same time. At no point should you send a password or any form of credentials in plain text.
A single compromised account can compromise all our servers and cause loss of resources for your lab mates. It is irresponsible and unprofessional to not be disciplined about basic cyber safety. Do not be that person.
Check Group jobs page to find out the list of group jobs and the group members in charge.
Enter your contact details into the Contact list. You should provide a cell number where you can be reached at all times. Rest assured that no one will use this unless it is absolutely urgent to contact you.
For all newcomers, we offer you the opportunity to purchase a computer. It is highly encouraged that you use a Mac laptop as it facilitates other group members to help you if you run into problems. Configurations should be reasonable - mid-range CPU and good RAM, a SSD (do not bother with non-SSD hard drives, even though they are cheaper). Send your proposed configuration for approval before purchase.